Animated Timeline

Made for the Webflow community

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The IMTA building is a tremendous source of pride for Iowa’s trucking industry. Given its proximity to the State Capitol and our commitment to advocacy, this building is an important symbol of our unity as an industry and is something that we must always protect and preserve.


where it all began

Vern Simpson proposed the creation of a 501C3 Foundation to the IMTA Board, emphasizing its focus on public awareness initiatives and supporting Iowa. He, along with Vernon "Pinky" Van Wyk of Van Wyk Freight Lines and George Crouse of Crouse Cartage Company, provided initial funding for the organization.


The Iowa Motor Carriers Foundation (IMCF) was established, and due to a shortage of qualified diesel mechanics, Ziegler/Caterpillar and Cummins generously donated to kickstart a scholarship program, with Vern Simpson of Mid Seven Transportation serving as its Chairman.

project imta

The IMTA Public Relations Committee's program, "Project IMTA" (Investing Money in Tomorrow’s Adults), received recognition from the Reagan administration. As a result, the Foundation took on the role of supporting and managing the program, which granted funds to Iowa high schools for post-prom activities aimed at discouraging drinking and driving.

expanding scholarship offerings

More scholarship endowments were created, and the Foundation was now able to offer 15 scholarships. The only stipulations to receive an IMCF scholarship were residency in the State of Iowa and attendance at an Iowa based college or university.

IMTA Headquarters Completion

The new IMTA headquarters is finished, and the staff officially moves in on April 1, 1996. The Foundation retained ownership of the building in 2014.

telethon success

The Foundation launches additional fundraising efforts to expand its scope of activities and support the association. A telethon was held at the IMTA office and over $5,000 was raised.

lake okoboji anual convention& Golf trophy auction

The annual convention was held at Lake Okoboji and for the first time in the history of the annual golf outing, it was rained out after everyone played 6 holes of golf. At the welcome reception, on a whim, the golf trophies were auctioned off and over $7,500 was raised.

Annual convention auction established

The Foundation investment committee is appointed and the need for more significant fundraising is a top discussion item at the board meetings. Because of the success of the impromptu golf outing trophy auction in 2010, the board determines an annual Foundation auction will be held at the convention.

Iowa Racing & Gaming commission Relocation

IMTA tenant, the Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission, moves out of the IMTA building due to new legislation requiring all state agencies to be housed in State owned buildings. A realtor is secured in hopes of finding a new tenant.

IMTA Headquarters Front Entrance Upgrade

The front entrance of the IMTA headquarters gets a facelift including a heated sidewalk system, improved lighting, and an improved ramp system.

foundation Board Restructuring

A more formal governance structure and reorganization of the Foundation board is launched. Murry Fitzer, Florilli Transportation, is named Chairman of the Foundation Board. The Foundation Steering committee is dissolved and instead replaced by a formal board. 

Endowment Fund and Property Transfer for Tax Benefits

IMCF moves forward with establishing a permanent endowment fund with the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines which will enable the Foundation to take advantage of the Endow Iowa Tax Credit Program. 
The IMTA executive committee agrees to transfer the ownership of the IMTA building to the Iowa Motor Carriers Foundation. The Foundation initiated a 50-year lease to IMTA for $12 per year. 

foundation Board Restructuring

On April 21, 2015, IMCF Chairman Murry Fitzer signs the IMTA lease as a 50-year tenant of the IMCF. The Legacy Campaign is developed and kicked off in hopes of raising $10 million for the Foundation over the next 10 years. The IMTA/IMCF headquarters installs official lighted lettering on the building.

Strategic Planning Session

The Foundation Board holds their first formal strategic planning session. 

New HVAC and Building Priorities

A new geothermal HVAC system is installed and the IMCF Board invested significant amount of time analyzing the future building priorities. Since the building was constructed in 1996, there are some elements of the building that will naturally need to be replaced due to age. 

Temporary scholarship Suspension

The IMCF Scholarship Program is suspended due to declining interest and shrinking endowment funds. 

Energy Efficiency Upgrade

The Foundation invests in new windows for the entire IMTA/IMCF building. The original windows are replaced with more energy efficient glass.

Virtual IMTA Convention and Successful Virtual Auctions

The COVID-19 Pandemic forces the IMTA Convention to be held virtually which means that the Silent Auction and Live Auction also were to be held virtually. The live auction, held via zoom with an in-person professional auctioneer, raised over $50,000.

Identifying Foundation Priorities

A timely strategic planning session identifies top priorities/objectives for the Foundation. 

Identifying Foundation Priorities

The IMCF Board determines it is time to move forward with the renovation of the West Wing space, previously occupied by the Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission. 
Today Relume is a team run by two guys with the same mission in life - To wake up every day with a choice to do what we love to do, build meaningful relationships and do great work.

You've heard our story, it's now time for the world to hear yours.

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